Editorial Team
Editor in Chief
Dr. Vivek Deshpande (ijwmc@technicaljournals.org | vivek.deshpande@viit.ac.in)
Director, Vishawakarma Insitute of Information Technology Pune India
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=Pio5DE4AAAAJ
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Associate Editors
Prof. Dharmesh Dhabliya (dharmesh.dhabliya@viit.ac.in)
Vishawakarma Insitute of Information Technology Pune India
Advisory Committee (Editorial Board and Reviewers)
Dr. Rajesh Prasad (rajesh.prasad@sinhgad.edu )
Professor and Associate Dean at School of Engineering, MIT ADT University Pune India
Prof. Dharmesh Dhabliya (dharmesh.dhabliya@viit.ac.in)
Professor, Department of Information Technology, VIIT Pune India
Narjess ALOUI (narjes.aloui@utctunisie.com)
Assistant professor. Carthage Business School University of Tunis Carthage. Fattouma Bourguiba Avenue Tunis 2036, Tunisia
Stephen Pembi, Ph.D (stephen741@adsu.edu.ng; stephenpembi@gmail.com)
Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, Adamawa State University(ADSU), P. M. B. 25, Mubi-Nigeria
Dr. Anand Sharma (anandsharma.cet@modyuniversity.ac.in)
Asst. Prof., Department of CSE, Mody Institute of Technology and Science, Laxmangarh,Rajasthan, India
Dr Sameerchand Pudaruth
PhD in Artificial Intelligence
PhD, MSc, LPVC (Mtius), LLB (Univ. London), BSc (Hons)
Programme Coordinator for BAS Cyber Operations (in collaboration with the University of Arizona)
Senior Lecturer
Rm 2.24, Floor 2, Phase II/CITS/FoICDT Building
ICT Department
Faculty of Information, Communication and Digital Technologies (FoICDT)
University of Mauritius
Dr. Vishal Gour (dr.vishalgoar@gmail.com)
Govt. Engineering College Bikaner India
Dr. AHMAD A I SHAJRAWI (ahmadsej2016@gmail.com)
Ministry of Education, Jordan
Dr. Avinash M. Pawar (avinash.m.pawar@bharathividyapeth.edu)
Department of Mechanical Engineering BVCOEW Pune
Mohammed Abdul raffey (director.hrdc@bamu.ac.in)
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar marathwada university Aurangabad Maharashtra India
Amer Shebl Zaya (amerzaia2@gmail.com)
Retired (former assistant director at the Iraqi Ministry of Culture) Iraq
Dr. Prakash pise (prakash.pise532@gmail.com)
Sinhgad Institute of Management, SPPU PUNE UNIVERSITY India
Rashmeet Kaur Khurana (rkhurana2@huskers.unl.edu)
Department of Chemistry, University of Nebraska- Lincoln, USA
Dr. Parmeshwar Singh Maravi (hegacumaria@mp.gov.in)
Government Adarsh College Umaria Madhya Pradesh & Awadhesh Pratap Singh University Rewa Madhya Pradesh India
Ahmad Khilji (abkhilji.ncba@gmail.com)
Dr Priya. R (priyaprabhu2@rediffmail.com)
Sanatana Dharma college India
Dr. Subrata Bhowmik (subrata.17dp000232@mech.iitism.ac.in)
Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad, Department of Mechanical Engineering India
Muhammad Umar Riaz Abbasi (umarriazabbasi@numl.edu.pk)
Lecturer National University of Modern Languages Islamabad Pakistan
Dr Ravisha N S (ravishiyengar@jnnce.ac.in)
Government First Grade college Ripponpet Shimoga District Karnataka India
Daud Abdul (Abduldaud@njust.edu.cn)
School of economics and management, Nanjing university of science and technology China
DR. ABHISHEK SHARMA (bbabareillycollege@gmail.com)
BAREILLY COLLEGE, BAREILLY (Affiliated to M.J.P.R University) India
Magdy Ali (igsr.magdyali@alexu.edu.eg)
IGSR Egypt
Dr.C.Vijai (vijai@patriciancollege.ac.in)
Patrician College of Arts and Science India
Prof. Triyo Supriyatno (triyo@pai.uin-malang.ac.id)
Ph. D Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang Indonesia
Dr. Nitin Sherje (npsherje@sinhgad.edu)
Associate Professor and Head of Department, Mechanical Engineering Dept. Smt. Kashibai Navale College Of Engineering, Pune India
Wegayehu Enbeyle (wegayehu@mtu.edu.et)
Director, International Relationships and Partnership Directorate Office ,Mizan-Tepi University ,Ethiopia
Dr. Prasad Halgoankar ( )
Associate Professor and Head of Department,Computer Engineering Dept. Zeal College of Engineering, Pune India
Dr. Amol Dhumane ()
Associate Professor and Head of Department,Computer Engineering Dept. NBNSCOE, Pune India
Ferdinandus Sampe (ferdinandus_sampe@lecturer.uajm.ac.id)
Atma Jaya Makassar University Indonesia
Dr. Sweta Banerjee (drswetabanerjee@gmail.com)
Dy. Director & Professor in Human Resource Management, Balaji Institute of Telecom and Management (BITM), Sri Balaji University Pune, India
Muhammad Umar Riaz Abbasi (umarriazabbasi@numl.edu.pk)
Lecturer National University of Modern Languages Islamabad Pakistan
Dr. Sheshang D. Degadwala (sheshang13@gmail.com)
Associate Professor & Head of Computer Department, Sigma Institute of Engineering, Vadodara India
Sajid Ali Khan (greenhillscollege2006@gmail.com)
Green Hills Postgraduate College Rawalakot Poonch AJK Pakistan
Dr. S.A.Sivakumar (drsasivakumar@gmail.com)
Associate Professor, Head-ECE, Ashoka Women's Engineering College, Kurnool - 518 218, Andhra Pradesh, India