ECG Signal Analysis for Heart Disease Detection Based on Sensor Data Analysis with Signal Processing by Deep Learning Architectures

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Kajol Khatri
Dr. Anand Sharma


Land-use mapping and crop classification have both benefited greatly from the analysis of high-resolution remote sensing photos based on deep Heart disease (HD) is extremely lethal by nature and claims a disproportionately large number of lives worldwide. Early and reliable identification techniques are necessary to prevent fatalities from HD. This research Propose novel technique in ECG signal feature extraction and classification-based HDD utilizing DL technique. here the input data has been collected as sensor data of ECG signal which has been processed and obtained ECG fragments. Then this signal processed for noise removal, smoothening. The processed ECG signal features has been extracted using Hilbert radial function transform networks. Then the extracted ECG signal has been classified using Markov convolutional U-Net architecture. Here the experimental analysis has been carried out for various ECG signal dataset in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, F_1 score, RMSE, MAP and SNR

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How to Cite
Khatri, K. ., & Sharma, D. A. . (2022). ECG Signal Analysis for Heart Disease Detection Based on Sensor Data Analysis with Signal Processing by Deep Learning Architectures. Research Journal of Computer Systems and Engineering, 1(1), 06–10.