All submitted manuscripts will undergo a three-step review process: preliminary check, plagiarism check,  and double blinded peer review.  

Preliminary check: All manuscripts will be reviewed by the editorial office first for compliance with  the Manuscript preparation guidelines. Articles that do not comply with the guidelines will be sent back to the authors to ensure compliance.

Plagiarism check: Manuscripts that are in compliance with the guidelines will be checked for plagiarism. We work with CrossRef to use iThenticate to detect plagiarism. iThenticate gives a 'similarity index', which is the word-by-word copying of materials from previously published literature. We use similarity index to make a decision. Manuscripts with more than 10% similarity index will be returned to the authors without peer review for corrective action. For articles with similarity index between 1-10%, we follow the guidelines of Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) on text recycling to make a decision. Manuscripts that pass the plagiarism check will be subjected to expert peer review. 

RJCSE uses double blinded peer review process. The double-blinded peer review process is a rigorous method used by academic journals to ensure the quality and integrity of published research. Here's an outline of the typical steps involved in a double-blinded peer review process:

1. Submission: Authors submit their manuscript to the journal's editorial office through an online submission system or via email. The manuscript should adhere to the journal's submission guidelines regarding formatting, structure, and style.

2. Initial Evaluation: Upon receiving the manuscript, the journal's editor-in-chief or editorial board conducts an initial evaluation to determine its suitability for peer review. Factors considered during this stage may include relevance to the journal's scope, adherence to submission guidelines, and overall quality of the research.

3. Assignment of Reviewers: If the manuscript passes the initial evaluation, the editor selects independent experts in the field (peer reviewers) to evaluate the manuscript's content. The reviewers are typically scholars or researchers who have expertise relevant to the subject matter of the manuscript.

4. Review Process: The selected reviewers receive the manuscript without the authors' identities (blinded) to ensure an unbiased evaluation. Likewise, the authors do not know the identities of the reviewers, maintaining anonymity throughout the process. Reviewers assess various aspects of the manuscript, including its originality, methodology, clarity, significance, and adherence to ethical standards.

5. Reviewer Reports: After reviewing the manuscript, each reviewer provides a detailed assessment and constructive feedback in a written report. The review may include comments on strengths and weaknesses, suggestions for improvement, and recommendations regarding the manuscript's suitability for publication.

6. Editorial Decision: Based on the reviewers' reports and recommendations, the editor-in-chief or handling editor makes an editorial decision regarding the manuscript. Possible decisions include acceptance, revision (with minor or major revisions required), rejection, or resubmission. The editor communicates the decision to the authors along with the reviewers' comments and feedback.

7. Revision (If Required): If revisions are requested, the authors revise the manuscript in accordance with the reviewers' feedback and submit a revised version to the journal. The revised manuscript may undergo further rounds of review until it meets the journal's standards for publication.

8. Final Decision: Once the revised manuscript satisfies the reviewers and editor, the editor makes a final decision on acceptance. The accepted manuscript undergoes copyediting, proofreading, and formatting before publication in the journal.

Overall, the double-blinded peer review process ensures the impartial evaluation of research manuscripts by subject experts, upholding the quality and credibility of scholarly publications.


After acceptance, the manuscripts will be copy-edited and sent for production. The chapters will be published online in three different formats: pdf, html, and xml. They will be open access, freely available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).  The authors will retain the copyright of their work. Each manuscriptwill be assigned a doi and deposited with CrossRef.