Enhanced Pre-Processing Based Cardiac Valve Block Detection Using Deep Learning Architectures

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Abhilash Reddy
Mohammed Qasim Waheeb


Nowadays, in non-infective diseases heart disease is marking more lethality rate. Many people in all over the world are suffering from the heart disease. Because of no prior knowledge in predicting the disease, many people are getting affected by heart disease. Most of the heart diseases are caused due to the smoking habit and imbalanced diet. So this paper proposes a novel method improved genetic neural network algorithm (IGNN) to measure blood pressure, cholesterol level, and blood sugar level and to identify the smoking habit, blood circulation rate in heart. Then on basis of the parameters measured, to preprocess the heart image to identify the block in heart valve using Standard Linear Discrimination Analysis (SLDA) this can transform the attributes with a Gaussian distribution.

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How to Cite
Reddy, A. ., & Waheeb , M. Q. . (2022). Enhanced Pre-Processing Based Cardiac Valve Block Detection Using Deep Learning Architectures. Research Journal of Computer Systems and Engineering, 3(1), 84–89. https://doi.org/10.52710/rjcse.47